The „Lithuanian List” was founded as a party in its own right and independent association by senior public figures from academia and the cultural sector on the 5th of June 2012 on Simonas Daukantas Square.
The party’s aim is to support the citizens of Lithuania in reclaiming their state and reviving a truly democratic Republic.
The „Lithuanian List” was formed as an expression of civic resistance to the cynicism, lies, and violence committed by the state – as an attempt to reinstate the disintegrated moral contract between the citizens and the executive.
In its efforts to reinstate the constitutional order as well as to assert the right of the people to self-determination, the „Lithuanian List” is pursuing an innovative approach, acting simultaneously as a popular movement, and a think tank, and a political party.
The „Lithuanian List” will actively participate in the 2012 parliamentary elections, albeit without presenting a candidates’ list of its own. Instead, we shall submit a „work programme for Lithuania” to the honest politicians and to society at large. With this programme for a restoration of the Republic we endorse those candidates who subscribe to it. Thus, we seek to rally support and strengthen the democratic and patriotic forces.
After the parliamentary elections, the „Lithuanian List” will cooperate with the elected representatives we supported in order to encourage a democratic institutional overhaul. We will usher in a productive dialogue between citizens and those in power, help society to join forces, monitor the executive, and rein in official arbitrariness where necessary.
The Lithuanian List is being supported by senior public figures from academia and the cultural sector. Amongst the party’s founders there are numerous teachers, students, farmers and scientists. The founders include the Professors Algis Mickūnas, Donatas Sauka, Sergėjus Temčinas.
At the inaugural meeting, the following representatives were elected to the party bureau:
Arūnas Bingelis, philosopher
Prof. Zenonas Butkus, historian
Kęstutis Ignatavičius, public figure from Panevėžys
Liudvikas Jakimavičius, writer, political observer
Saulius Jurkevičius, historian, pedagogue
Prof. Antanas Kulakauskas, historian, political scientist
Dr. Darius Kuolys, cultural historian
Konstancija Lina Lapėginienė, public figure from Klaipėda
Dr. Saulė Matulevičienė, anthropologist
Narutė Mazurkevičienė, pedagogue
Dr. Gediminas Mikelaitis, literary scholar
Joana Noreikaitė, sculptor
Valdas Papievis, writer
Eglė Pranckūnienė, education expert
Jolita Radčenkienė, businesswoman, public figure
Justas Subačius, economist, public figure
Arvydas Vaičiūnas, Lithuanian philologist, farmer
Irena Vasinauskaitė, journalist, public figure from Šiauliai
Dr. Jolanta Zabarskaitė, philologist
Rūta Zabielienė, public figure from Kaunas
A great number of the bureau members were active members of Sąjūdis at the time. Dr. Darius Kuolys has been elected as party chairman.