Audrius Bačiulis. Apie klastą ir klastūnus politikoje

Kaip yra žinoma, didžiausias Putino draugas Vakaruose yra Donaldas Trumpas, todėl jis klastūniškai sugalvojo pasiųsti įvairių NATO šalių karo laivus su vizitu į Ukrainos uostus Azovo jūroje per Kerčės sąsmauką ir taip patvirtinti pasaulinę laivybos laisvę.

Tokį Trumpo pasiūlymą MIuncheno saugumo konferencijoje vasario16-ąją Angelai Merkel perdavė JAV viceprezidentas Mike Pence’as.

Kaip yra žinoma, didžiausia Putino smaugikė Europoje yra Vokietijos kanclerė, todėl ji kategoriškai atmetė šią klastūnišką Trumpo idėją.

Vokietija, pasak Angelos Merkel, labai remia mintį paleisti Vakarų laivų konvojų per Kerčės sąsiaurį, bet Vokietija, vardan europinio solidarumo, veikia tik kartu su Prancūzija, o Macronas nenori provokuoti Putino.

Na, ir apskritai tie amerikiečiai – niekšai, vykdo gerai koordinuotą puolimą prieš dujotiekį Nord Stream2, kuris, kaip visi geros valios europiečiai supranta, yra taikos ir draugystės su Rusija laidas.

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Pence Asked Merkel to Provoke Russia by Sending Warships to Crimea

Patrick Donahue, Jennifer Jacobs |
2019 m. kovo 7 d.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel rebuffed U.S. pressure last month to conduct a naval maneuver in Russia’s backyard aimed at provoking President Vladimir Putin, according to three people familiar with the talks.

At a Feb. 16 meeting at the Munich Security Conference, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence urged Merkel to send German ships through a narrow channel between the Crimean peninsula and mainland Russia to show Putin that Western powers won’t surrender their access to those waters, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The German leader declined, they said, citing reservations from Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

Merkel had indicated she was willing, in coordination with the French, to send a convoy through the waterway as a one-time maneuver but Poroshenko said that wasn’t enough to solve his problem — he wants to ensure the strait is open permanently, the people said. France also refused to take part, judging the idea as an unnecessary provocation, according to another official who declined to be identified.

The vice president’s meeting with Merkel at the Bayerischer Hof hotel in the Bavarian capital came just after her most spirited defense of the global order yet. Drawing a standing ovation from senior security officials, she lambasted Trump’s threats on imposing tariffs on European cars as a matter of national security, pledged Germany would reach the NATO spending goal at its own pace, and stick to the Iran accord.

The German leader had also observed with alarm an aggressive and coordinated U.S. diplomatic push to halt a Russian gas pipeline, Nord Stream 2. According to people close to her, that was one factor that led her to double down at Munich.


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