Rinkimai – suklastoti, Prezidento postas – pavogtas, Bidenų šeimynėlė – korumpuota iki ausų.
Konservatyvūs Estijos politikai savo nuomonės neslepia – ką mato, tą ir sako.
Netikėtai drąsūs šiems „teisingo žodžio laisvės“ laikams pareiškimai.
Skaitau Estijos spaudos naujienas ir žandikaulis pats iki krūtinės atvimpa.
Rūstūs žmonės tie estų konservatoriai, špyga taukuota. Į mūsiškius mažai panašūs.
Žemiau įdedu anglišką tekstą be savo komentarų, rusiškos ir estiškos versijų nuorodos yra apačioje, lietuviškos citatos sudėtos į plakatėlį:
Minister of the Interior Mart Helme, Minister of Finance Martin Helme and MEP Jaak Madison (all EKRE) said on their TRE radio talk show on Sunday that the results of U.S. presidential elections are falsified and Joe Biden becoming president would mark America’s decline, Delfi reports.
The Conservative People’s Party (EKRE) politicians said they believe there was election fraud.
„I believe there can be no question in that these election were falsified,” Minister of Finance Martin Helme said.
„I believe all normal people should speak up against it. There is no sense in talking about democracy or rule of law in a situation where elections can be faked so plainly, boldly and on a massive scale.”
„I believe there can be no question in that these election were falsified,” Minister of Finance Martin Helme said.
„I believe all normal people should speak up against it. There is no sense in talking about democracy or rule of law in a situation where elections can be faked so plainly, boldly and on a massive scale.”
„If this works, if Trump is taken down, the U.S. Constitution will no longer be in effect,” he added.
Minister of the Interior Mart Helme said that Joe Biden was elected president by the deep state.
„The logic based on which the deep state operates is to smuggle in dirt bags, corrupt dirt bags than can be blackmailed. Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are corrupt characters,” the interior minister said.
The hosts also talked about the possibility of civil war in America.
„I had a dream before the elections of Trump walking across a field,” Mart Helme described.
„And then I saw the field was covered in guts and entrails. Trump passed through it. Trump will win eventually; it will happen as a result of an immense struggle, maybe even bloodshed, but justice will win in the end.”
Šaltiniai Estijos spaudoje (anglų, rusų ir estų kalbomis):
ERR News, 2020-11-08: „Mart Helme: Joe Biden and his son corrupt characters“: ČIA.
rus.delfi.ee, 2020-11-08: „Март Хельме: Байден и его сын — коррумпированные типы“: ČIA.
Toimetas: Karoliina Hussar, 2020-11-08: Mart Helme: „Joe Biden ja tema poeg on korrumpeerunud tüübid“: ČIA.
Ir vardan įdomumo – kaip šią naujieną pateikė valdiška LRT:
LRT.lt, 2020-11-08: „Estijos ministrai: JAV rinkimai yra suklastoti, Bidenas ir jo sūnus yra korumpuoti tipeliai“: ČIA.